I like to try new Christmas candies each year. Here is a sampling of what I've made thus far. If you'd like the recipes for any of the following, just let me know.
And for what it's worth...
My favorites: gingerbread biscotti and the mint shortbread cookies.
Coconut almond cookies
Chocolate truffles rolled in all sorts of unhealthy stuff
Mint shortbread cookies and gingerbread biscotti
Brownie truffles setting up in the freezer
Peppermint serving plate
Snicker doodle blondies
Step one of the chocolate bark
Finished product
Brown sugar cookies with brown sugar icing
Oreo truffles
I know they aren't carols. I know they aren't sentimental. I know religious undertones are nowhere to be found. I don't care.
why do i think of u everytime I hear the Avett Brothers "Love Like the Movies".