Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I can tell that we are gonna be friends.

(By the way, this came on while we were at Jane's for the Bridesmaid Luncheon).
I noticed on Centre College's Facebook page today that new students arrived on campus this week. This means that almost exactly 15 years ago, I walked into Yerkes 306 and met the girl who would become my best friend, the one with whom I would travel the world, the one who I watched walked down the aisle of a beautiful chapel in an elegant, but simple, dress, on the arm of her equally lovely mother this past weekend.  Of all the things I'm grateful for in my life, my friendship with Caroline is undoubtedly one of the most cherished.
San Francisco
Chicago - Lollapalooza
San Francisco
Salzburg, Austria
Prague, Czech Republic
Chicago (pre-Avett Brothers show)
Lucerne, Switzerland
When I have wedding photos, I will do a follow-up post.  Trust me, you'll want to see a recap of this lovely, lovely day. For the time being, you might want to check out Deborah Marcero's page (wedding photographer), an overview of Bond Chapel (wedding location), or one of the two past Pillow Book entries also about Caroline.
And this pretty much sums up our friendship: "I love that the day we met Angela Rosengart, friend and subject of Picasso, in one of my favorite museums I've ever been in, was the same day we watched Jersey Shore in German on the red leather sofa in our awesome B&B loft."


  1. YEAH! Mere minutes after posting. Who needs to bother with subscribing to a blog when you can just check it constantly?!! Oh what adventures we've had - and will for years and years and years to come...

    1. I'm looking forward to every one:)
      Love you, dear friend.

      Pick a city for a long weekend in the fall: Let's do this.
