Thursday, July 4, 2013

You keep lying, when you oughta be truthin.'

I used to think "Single Ladies" would be the obvious choice for "flash mob library staff video reenactment day," (which WILL happen at some point) but I've changed my mind. 

In the words of the storied philosopher Tim McGraw, "it's the ending of an era, and the turning of a page"...

Goodbye, dear friend. Thank you for forgiving me for the shorty-shorts, bath robes, and dresses with which you have been paired. You've been good to me.

A current fascination...

Current fascination #2...
Excerpts from Anne Lamott's, Help, Thanks, Wow

“Let’s not get bogged down on whom or what we pray to. Let’s just say prayer is communication from our hearts to the great mystery, or Goodness, or Howard; to the animating energy of love we are sometimes bold enough to believe in; to something imaginably big, and not us. We could call this for Not Me, and Not Preachers Onstage with a Choir of 800. Or for convenience we could just say “God.”” 2-3

“Prayer is talking to something or anything with which we seek union, even if we are bitter or insane or broken.” 5

“Prayer is us – humans merely being, as e.e. Cummings put it – reaching out to something having to do with the eternal, with vitality, intelligence, kindness, even when we are at our most utterly doomed and skeptical.” 6

“I also know that life can be devastating, and it’s still okay to be pissed off at God.” 14

“We and life are spectacularly flawed and complex. Often we do not get our way, which I hate, hate, hate. But in my saner moments I remember that if we did, usually we would shortchange ourselves.” 45

“So I prayed: ‘Help me not be such an ass.’” 67

“I pray not to be such a whiny, self-obsessed baby, and give thanks that I am not quite as bad as I used to be (talk about miracles).” 95

“You’ve heard it said that when all else fails, follow instructions. So we breathe, try to slow down and pay attention, try to love and help God’s other children, and – hardest of all, at least to me – learn to love our depressing, hilarious, mostly decent selves. We get thirsty people water, read to the very young and old, and listen to the sad. We pick up litter and try to leave the world a slightly better place for our stay here.” 101


  1. I have enjoyed every word of script and music in this blog. It has left me with such a wonderful up-lifted feeling. Thank you for continually finding words that make me think, laugh and appreciate the little things that we all experience in our simple everyday lives. LOL

    1. I'm glad you liked it, Mom. Thank you for instilling in me the appreciation/love of those little things:) LOL

  2. Love the boot tribute! Those ARE some mighty fine boots. Love the new music. Love, love, love Anne Lamott. I got this book around Christmas and it's sitting on my nightstand. I've devoured it in small, sporadic servings-- not cover-to-cover--but it's really great stuff. I have many of her books, and she's so quote-worthy. If you haven't already, "Like" her on Facebook and she will post little musings much like her essays every week or so. Her ideas on prayer remind me of a poem I love by Mary Oliver (another woman with great thoughts):


    It doesn’t have to be
    the blue iris, it could be
    weeds in a vacant lot, or a few
    small stones; just
    pay attention, then patch
    a few words together and don’t try
    to make them elaborate, this isn’t
    a contest but the doorway
    into thanks, and a silence in which
    another voice may speak.

    - Mary Oliver

    Beautiful, eh?

    Most of the time, however, I can better relate to Anne's lament: "Help me not be such an ass!" :-)

    1. I don't know how I overlooked this comment. I love that you always make me think, make me more mindful. I love this Mary Oliver poem. Off to do some research on her....right after my "help me not be such an ass" prayer;)
