A couple of ideas...
Avocado Salad (Obviously this would be better with seasonal ingredients, but I enjoyed nonetheless)
2 avocados
Juice of 1 lemon
2 mandarins or tangerines
1 romaine lettuce, separated into leaves
2 tomatoes, sliced
1 scallion, sliced
2 tbsp. chopped flat-leaf parsley (I used basil instead)
2 tbsp. Dijon mustard
Generous 1/4 c. olive oil
Salt and Pepper to taste
Peel, halve, and pit the avocados; cut into slices and sprinkle with lemon juice. Peel the mandarins and slice into rings.
Arrange the lettuce on serving platter. Make a layer of tomato slices and scallions. Cover with avocado slices and then top with mandarin slices. Sprinkle the herbs.
Whisk together the oil, mustard, salt and pepper (I did this the night before and whisked again just before serving). Pour over salad and serve.
Such a fun night! I really enjoyed the diverse group of people. Lots of great personalities. The food was delicious not to mention the glass or two of wine, "The Little Black Dress", I consumed. I am ready for the next murder mystery gathering.