I promise - 1) all of this is actually written down AND, 2) I am not leaving out things that actually make sense for the sake of substantiating my "dumb" claim.
-Write on myself (followed by a sad face - He is frowning. And crying.)
-Handkerchiefs (followed by a check mark)
-Books with good acknowledgments
-FB convo about Def Leppard
-Gooty/gooty v. gootie/gootie
-Stomach noises - what are they?
-Opening curtains in the morning
-Photo caption contest
-Why I like the fair
-Napkins matter

Okay, so instead of trying to artificially manufacture some blog entry that seems meaningful or analytical, I choose to just give in. Here's your task: Try to figure out the back story behind or an explanation for as many of these as you can. C'mon, it might be fun:).
I'll get you started...
Liza Turner has an alien living inside of her. That is the only way to explain the cosmic grumbles which issue from her tummy. Often she becomes inquisitive when it snarfles or snorts..."I wonder what makes those noises in your stomach?" she says. I really didn't want to tell her but I once caught the little fellow sneaking into the refrigerator late one night. So, Liza, there you have it. Now, hopefully one of these faithful readers can explain this Gooty thing to me.
ReplyDeleteAs far as your list goes, I'll just say that I agree: napkins matter. Still thinking about the rest. More importantly, I wanted to point out one of your greatest lines ever: "I crave intellectualism, yet am wearing the Single Ladies leotard in my mind." I had to copy that down on a card to add to my bulletin board of fabulous quotes. I totally get you on that one. Thanks!
Andy - So, THAT'S where all the pudding cups, ice cream, and popsicles go. Finally, an explanation.
ReplyDeleteMelissa - I think the napkin thing might actually become a blog entry soon. For some reason, I feel quite passionate about this one.
I'm excited about making the bulletin board! If you'd like, I'll send a picture to accompany the quote:).
In your picture, you should be wearing the Single Ladies leotard AND librarian glasses.
ReplyDeleteGood point. I would hate for it to look tacky.